Shoreside Vale Packages GTA: 3


The final 31 packages found on Shoreside Vale. Finding all these packages along with those on the previous two Islands will provide you with a massive selection of weapons outside your hideout. Including the rocket launcher.

You are free to obtain all 31 as soon as you gain access to Shoreside Vale.

Cochrane Dam - Cedar Grove - Pike Creek - Witchita Gardens - Francis International Airport

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Cochrane Dam
70. Find the east dome at the top of the dam to find a package behind it.

71. Find the west dome and you will find a package behine that too.

72. There are two control buildings halfway up the dam wall. There is package up the west one.

73. Down at the bottom of the dam there is a large building at the west end.

74. To the west of this building is a package in a corner. You will need to use the road leading down from Pike Creek to get to it.

75. In a fenced area next to the import/export garage. There are two ways to get to it. There is a ramp in another area up to the west. Jump over in a car to the fenced area or go up it on foot and drop down onto the roof below. Walk along the roof and drop down into the fenced area. Use the ramp in the fenced area to get out. You will lose health/armour doing it this way.

Cedar Grove
76. Driving east along the main highway the first house you come to after the bridge has a package in the back garden.

77. The 2nd house along this highway has a package on the back porch. You will need to get to it on foot as there is no driveway to this house.

78. The 3rd house has a package on the front porch.

79. Right at the end of the road is the Cartel Mansion. In the swimming pool at the back of the mansion is a package. You will need to get a Cartel Cruiser to open the gate at the front.

80. At the far eastern side of Cedar Grove is the picnic area of where you will have to drive through Wichita Gardens to get to. There is a package at the north-east corner of this area.

Pike Creek
81. Just behind the police station (east) is the police vehicle service garages. On the north row of garages, at the far end, is a package which you can get to on foot.

82. Find Liberty Pharmaceuticals in the middle of the Pike Creek industrial estate. At the East end of the factory is a fenced area with some barrels at the north end. The package is between the barrels.

83. Just east of the hopital is a factory. In the north-west corner ofthis factory is a container with a package on top. Either drop down onto it from the street above or get a van and use it jump up to the top.

84. A package is placed behind (east) the hospital.

85. In the south-east corner is the turtle head fishing co. On the roof of one of the buildings is the package. Use the staircase on the main building to get up to the roof so that you can jump across. If you do this by foot you will lose a small amount of health/armour.

86. Just behind (east) the building you obtained the last package from, is an alleyway holding another package.

Witchita Gardens
87. There is a bridge, with grafitti all over it, just up the hill from the tunnel entrance. Driving up from the tunnel you will find the package underneath the bridge on the path to your right.

88. Behind your hideout (north) is a 'Toyz N the Hood' van. A package sits just next to it.

89. Down the hill from your hideout are four apartment blocks. There is a package in the door way of the north-west one.

90. There is another package between the two southern apartment blocks.

91. Just north of the airport across the highway is twisted wooden bridge (dont ask me where it used to lead to). Underneath the bridge is a package.

St Francis Airport
92. At the bottom of the stairs of the east platform in the subway station.

93. Out the front of the airport at the east side are some advertising boards. Behind them is a package.

94. Right beside the fire engine, which is parked opposite (south) the carpark.

95. Next to the fire engine is a gap in the wall that takes you to a fenced area of the Airport terminal. A package sits in a corner at 2 O'clock from your position as you enter this area. Its on this side of the dome building not the other.

96. At the west side of the main plane parking area are two planes facing west. A package sits under one of the wings of the most northerly of these planes.

97. At the far west end of the main runway is the helipad. Go up the stairs at the back to get the package next to the helicopter.

98. There are three planes parked up ready for boarding near the runway. Under the south-west one is a package.

99. At the west end of the small runway is a ramp taking you down to a ledge.

100. At the east end of the main runway is a ramp taking you down to a ledge. Follow the ledge all the way around the end of the runway to find a package.

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